TEDxFortWayne 2018 Speakers

/TEDxFortWayne 2018 Speakers
TEDxFortWayne 2018 Speakers2018-02-04T11:23:54+00:00
Ahmed Abdelmageed
Ahmed AbdelmageedThe “I” behind the immigrant
Davonta Beckham
Davonta BeckhamWhat if you could fly?
Réna Bradley
Réna BradleyRaising the Bar with Design and Creative Programming
David Buuck
David BuuckReimagining Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Craig Crook
Craig CrookExploring the intersection of creativity and activity
Christophe Dessaigne
Christophe DessaigneThe Importance of Community Champions
April Gerard
April GerardThe View from Poverty
Matthew Hawkins
Matthew HawkinsNeighborhood Pride
Cory Heimann
Cory HeimannThe Magic of Awe and Wonder
Lindsay Racine
Lindsay RacineA Passion for Independent Reading
Victoria Trabosh
Victoria TraboshYour Voice, Your Choice


Chad Chenowith
Chad Chenowith
Christie Bowen
Christie Bowen
Jon Rehwaldt
Jon Rehwaldt